Should I Get A New Boiler?


Do You Need A New Boiler?

There comes a time when all boilers need replacing and this is usually down to one of two things, either their age or their efficiency. Over time boilers have become more and more effective, so the older your boiler is the less efficiently it will run. There are a number of signs which will help you to identify whether you need a new boiler or not and we’ll discuss these below. All boilers have a certain lifespan, depending on servicing history, make and model and a professional boiler engineer, such as RJL Heating Services, will help you to understand whether your boiler is coming to the end of its life or not.

Boilers typically aren’t cheap to replace, so you should ensure your old one is insured to help cover the cost or you could consider taking out boiler finance which is becoming increasingly common. Keep reading below to find out more about identifying the signs of needing a new boiler and the benefits a new boiler could give you.

Signs You Need Boiler Replacement

When it comes to your boiler, you’ll know it better than anyone. From the noises it makes to how long it takes to get the heating or hot water going, you’ll understand exactly how it functions, so spotting the signs it needs replacing will be quite easy for you to do. However, some people just moving into properties, especially older ones might choose to upgrade or replace their heating system and boiler, due to pure practicality reasons. Some of the warning signs you might need boiler replacement are:

  • Regularly suffering from breakdowns or needing repairs
  • It’s starting to make noises when running or banging sounds
  • Constant pressure related problems
  • Water or heating isn’t running at consistent temperatures
  • The boiler struggles to ignite when in use

Benefits Of A New Boiler

Although they can seem costly, new boilers are an investment and you’re sure to see a number of great benefits by replacing yours. Some of the main benefits of boiler replacement are:

  • Improved heating and water temperatures
  • Greater energy efficiency
  • It could help to lower bills
  • More practical and size friendly
  • Many more…