Discover the Top Tips for Effective Bat Removal


When bats take up a residence in a home, they come along with a bigger problem than just noise. Bats can cause severe structural damages or leave droppings that can corrode wood and metallic building materials. Exposing your family to bat guano may predispose it to serious health problems. Despite all such concerns, bats are protected species in various states across the world.

Thus, your first step in getting rid of such pests is to assess what you can engage in legally in your state. After understanding the laws governing bats in your locality, you may proceed to the next step if you get permission. You need to call for the help of professional pest removal services if you lack the skills to do it yourself or face a heavy infestation. However, there are various vital tips that you can utilize for an effective bat removal exercise as discussed in the rest of this post.

Be sure you are dealing with bats

The frequent rustling in the ceiling or the attic may be coming from old water pipes or settling of the house. It is important to eliminate other possibilities before you spend your time and money on a bat removal activity. The most reliable way to establish if you have bats in your home is to see them physically or their droppings. You may get in touch with a wildlife specialist or a pest removal expert to help you establish the varieties of bats in your locality.

Inspect possible hideouts for bats

Bats have a great affinity to dark and enclosed areas as they resemble their common caves where they naturally live. Take a keen look around your chimney flue, attic, and crawlspace to establish if you can gather any evidence showing the presence of bats roosting. While doing the inspection, be attentive to spaces that are accessible through apertures and cracks since bats use them as points of entry. Do not overlook small or inconspicuous openings as bats can squeeze through narrow openings. You may also choose to observe the bats at night as they come to establish their entrances.

Create disturbance

Creating frequent and prolonged disturbance is an effective approach to getting rid of bats. Bats love living in dark and quiet hideouts but they will keep off any strong light or commotion. Lighting the attic or any other space that you suspect bats may be living in will help in keeping them away. Remember law does not allow you to exterminate bats in regions where they are categorized as protected species. s that you ought to look for a humane way to scare away these creatures.

Install a bat box

Bat boxes come as enclosed structures that offer a habitable temporal space for the bats looking for a safe place to roost. The intention here is to chase them from your home by providing an alternative habitat to ensure they will not try to come back. For the residents in wooded regions, bat boxes will be a convenient approach to relocate bats with minimal strain and expenditure. You may build your box from scratch or request a local pest control specialist to help you. Set up the box at a place with good shade and away from your property.

Use one-way exclusion devices

Installing a functional one-way tube or valve at entry points will ensure the incoming bats can exit freely but with no chance to return. Such a device will ensure bats exit on their own but never allows them to come again. Exclusion devices remain the most convenient way to eliminate the bats from your home. Also, eliminating the chance from reentry is better than trapping them as it may be harmful. You can get these devices from your local pet store or home improvement outlets. They are easy to install and use.

Get in touch with pest removal experts

At times, you may find it hard to remove the bats from your property on your own or establish a whole bat colony is in your house. The best step to take at such a moment is to look for experienced professionals, like this bat control Atlanta company, to deal with the bats. Pest control experts will identify the entry points for the bats, remove them and conceal the available points of entry.